Allow customers to track long-term services
Easy Progress is a cloud platform made for companies that offer services that take a long time to complete. Some examples of potential users are construction companies and law firms. Some business processes that can be automated by this system:
- Reduce customer support demands related to service status notifications/questions (client will be notified every time there is any progress (Eg a building company notifies the client that the status changed from “building foundation” to “building framing”)
- Reduce customer support demands related to documents/images: The company can attach any kind of file to a service. Clients can log in and download the documents attached to their services.
- No more papers: register clients, services, and backup documents in the cloud,
This system makes business processes efficient by aggregating the following features in a single platform:
Company Features
- Client Dashboard: companies can control client data in the platform
- Service dashboard: companies can save service-related data in the platform. It is also possible to attach any kind of file to the services
- Company login link: each company has a unique link to allow clients to easily log in by phone number and track service status or download files attached to their service. Optionally, the company can disable this link.
- Autocompletion: some fields like service status, progress, and client name have autocompletion to allow easier form fulfillment.
Client features
- Welcome email: once a company registers a client he receives a link in his email with the company link (like easyprogress.com/track/mycompany123). The client will use this link to log in and access his service data.
- Easy login: The client authenticates on the platform by a token sent by SMS. No registration is needed.
- Service status change notification: every time the status of a service changes the client is notified by email.
- Service status and file access: clients can check part of the data related to their service, like personal data, service status, and files attached to the service.
<h2><span style="background-color: transparent;">Technical details</span></h2><ul><li><span style="background-color: transparent;">The front end was built using a modern tech stack: React + Typescript + Material UI. The backend was made using Nestjs (a cutting-edge Node.js framework) and Typescript. It uses Prisma ORM, Postgres, and AWS too.</span></li><li>JWT authentication</li><li>Frontend has support for internationalization (user interface text in a single file)</li><li>Backend API is RESTful</li><li>Built following clean code practices</li><li>Organized and maintainable code written in English</li><li>The system was built thinking about data privacy and supports multitenancy</li></ul><p><br></p>
Average $ revenue per month
not provided
<p>This project is in the validation phase. Despite not having revenue, it has a high potential to be adapted to different niches and scales.</p>
Law Enforcement
Real Estate