Have you ever wanted to start a niche marketplace application? AKA a better craigslist
Ever heard of or used these applications? OfferUp / Wallapop / Poshmark / Mercari / Saily
There's a good chance that you have, and that you've seen how much value new-aged classifieds apps can provide.
Well here's your chance to have a marketplace of your own, one in which you can passively earn from. Some of our customer's have large marketing budgets, while others stick to free resources such as the densely populated Facebook groups. There's honestly no wrong or right way, it's whatever works for your specific market demographic.
Venture Capital firms invested over $100 million in the online consignment industry last year, validating a shift in consumer purchasing behavior and an evolving retail landscape. Some retailers have already incorporated resale or recycling into their business model, while other brands are piloting programs with resale startups that encourage customers to practice sustainable consumption habits.
We've made an extremely well-documented documentation, which will guide you through all of the steps, on the way to submit your app to the AppStore.
Here are a number of applications that are powered by this exact source code. Some customers have customized their applications as they've matured, but it's still quite easy to see what's behind the scenes:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/refresh-sneaker-streetwear/id892114588?mt=8 - Athletic Sneakers & Streetwear
--- The online clothing resale industry is a $34 billion opportunity, created by the quantity of unworn clothing and accessories in American closets and the rate at which people add to their wardrobes every year.
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/techsell-buy-sell-trade-marketplace/id962637128?mt=8 - Cell Phones & Electronics
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sold-buying-selling-clothes/id1049069612?mt=8 - Clothing & Household items
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sneaky-buy-sell-everything/id954160705?mt=8 - General Marketplace
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/yippzy-fun-social-way-to-buy/id1050289053?mt=8 - Women's Footwear
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-grind-skater-marketplace/id1065768336?mt=8 - Skateboards & Parts
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/replayed/id996188196?mt=8 - Musical Instruments & Equipment
A version of this application was previously called Relaced, it was acquired by NiceKicks.com in November of 2015. Nicekicks.com is the leading online sneaker publication with over 2.5M Unique Monthly visitors. By acquiring this application Nicekicks.com positioned themselves as an early pioneer in changing how the sneaker industry ($2B) transacts. At the time of the application being acquired the application had 40k users, and had generated $37,000 in sales within it's first two months of being monetized. You can find the statistics of this application prior to being acquired here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B57HnwIJJihPWkotcGlVUDlQWGc. NiceKicks will be re-releasing this application under the name KickFlip this april with a few new features tailored to the sneaker industry.
Using a variation of this application you can earn up to 97% of each transaction- Yes 97%, meaning on a $100 sale you can potentially earn $96.xx, which is paid out to your personal bank account daily if you prefer via Stripe. This is possible by taking the business model and approach that Yerdle does, which is it created it's own virtual currency which stays within the app, only to be used to purchase other items - like an in-store credit. Because it's a virtual currency that never leaves the system Yerdle has the ability to incentive users upon signup by giving them $25 Yerdle Dollars towards their first purchase. So on that $100 sale, Yerdle makes $72.53 even though it 'gave' the buyer $25 in Yerdle Dollars (credits). A traditional marketplace would've taken 7-10% and paid out the seller via bank account or Paypal and earned $7-10 on that same transaction. reFRESH was developed using this source code as it's starting point & is currently generating ~$60 per day, which is just 1 sale a day.
With a tad bit of modification you could use this source code to serve a marketplace template for personal services such as Fiverr, Task Rabbit, and upwork. Or potentially even begin your own crowdfunding platform. Make this your own :)
Other apps such as Ebay & Craigslist have become far too cluttered which has made consumers look for other options. Here is your chance to capitalize off it. As you can see from the list of our customer apps above, niche is the way to go. You can create a unique experience and a community tailored around common interests much easier. As a result you greatly reduce your marketing costs and difficulties typically associated with starting a marketplace to reach liquidity.
*** Please follow the documentation inside the downloaded .zip folder ***
The only thing you will ever need to do with this app is to change the following:
1. Change the keys for "Parse", and "Stripe" in the AppDelegate.m file.
2. Change the theme-color (Find a personal RGB-color code) in the RLUtils.m file under 'RelacedRed'
3. Change the icons/images inside the app.
4. Deploy the Parse Cloud Code files.
5. Change Product Categories in the RLUtils.m file
It's that simple!
Not a programmer? No problem.
If you are not familiar with Xcode (the necessary program used to develop/deploy iOS application natively), Cocoa-pods, or deploying cloud code we would recommend that you purchase our setup services @ $299. Typically this takes just 2-3 business days to complete after we receive everything necessary from you (the customer). You will need to provide our development team with the following items: App Icon (1024x1024), App Name, Primary App Color (Hex Color Code), Apple Developer Account Credentials (Email/Password), & a list of product categories for your users to upload and search products by within the app. The setup price listed if for existing Parse.com users/customers. If your application needs to be self-hosted we recommend following this official guide by Parse.
Ready to get started? PayPal is our preferred payment method. However we also accept square & square cash. Payable invoices are available as well which will be emailed to you.
Worried about how you're going to market and grow your userbase? We provide our customers with monthly newsletters that cover specific topics and tactics that you can use to grow your marketplace. Want to take a hands-off approach? Let one of our account managers set you up on an automated growth program with pricing reflective of the results you wish to achieve!
This solution is ideal for existing Parse customers.
Contact me at Getmedownloads@gmail.com to purchase