Duck Duck Clicker
A little duck clicking game 🦆
Are you in the mood to keep mindless clicking on cute virtual ducks? If so, I have got something for you!
Click, upgrade, customize, and repeat. It's as simple as that.
<p>The game was built using HTML/CSS/vanilla JS with all images in .svg format and sounds in .mp3 format.</p><p><br></p><p>It was coded by Hamdy Elzanqali (me)</p><p>Sounds were made by Floraphonic (from Pixabay).</p><p>The font was made by Niskala Huruf.</p>
Average $ revenue per month
not provided
<p>It is (or was) one of the most popular games on coolmathgames. #3 on mobile, #6 on PC.</p><p>At the time of writing, it had 104k+ votes with a 4.7 of 5 score.</p><p><br></p><p></p>
<p>This sale includes:</p><p>1. The full right to the game.</p><p>2. The source code which is a pure HTML/CSS/JS project.</p><p>3. The right to use the IP "Duck Duck Clicker", so you can do "Duck Duck Clicker 2,3,4, SomeName".</p><p>4. The available branding, logos, etc.</p><p>5. Fixing any visual or coding bug in MY code within the first 3 months.</p><p><br></p><p>This sale does NOT include:</p><p>1. The sequel (Duck Duck Clicker 3D). It can be a separate license, if you are interested.</p><p>2. Making new branding/features. You will have to add them yourself, or hire me to do so.</p><p>3. Making the binaries (.exe, .apk, etc). You will have to convert the web game yourself, or through someone. It isn't hard to bundle a page into an executable though.</p><p>4. Preventing me from using derivatives of the IP. e.g. Duck Duck Clicker: The Billionaire.</p><p>(we can discuss that term further, if you wish)</p><p>5. removing the game from licensed partners. Those who bought an irrevocable license to use the version they have of the game can continue to do so. This includes Coolmathgames and Hoodamath. They do not own the game, and all further communications for this particular game will be forwarded to you. This can be a special upgrade in exchange of a one-time payment or as per the agreement between you.</p><p><br></p><p>Note: This is optional, but I'd like to keep the current copy on my page live. If you have a problem, it's not required to allow me to do so.</p>